User Defined Functions

User Defined Functions

User Defined Functions(UDF) are generally used when the same set of functions are repetitively called in different mapping, for examples like conversion of a string to date to a specific format, conversion of  integer to string and vice versa, data cleansing and many more. This UDF is available in Informatica9.x versions. 

You must have the User Designer and Administer Repository privileges with read and write permissions on the folder to create, edit, and delete user-defined functions. If you only have the Use Designer privilege, you can view and export user-defined functions.

How to Create a User Defined Functions (UDF)?

1. Go to Informatica Designer and in Tools Option and then to User Defined Function

2.  User-Defined Function Browser Dialog Box will be pop up

a).   Edit
This will edit or change the function definition and it will by default applied to where ever you have called the UDF
b). Delete
This will delete the UDF which is no longer required from the repository and by default it will not delete it from the expression where it is called, this will lead to invalid expression 
c). New
This will create a new UDF which can be used across the Folder or in different mapping in the same folder
d). Export
This will save the UDF in an XML format and can be used across the repository
e). Validate
It will validate the UDF and if invalid it will make the expression invalid in which it is called. 

3. Go for New  option which will create a reusable UDF

How to Call a User Defined Functions (UDF)?

All valid user-defined functions display in the User-Defined Functions folder on the Functions tab, we can call this UDF in Expression editor and in other UDF

If we call in Expression Editor or any other UDF it will prefix with: UDF.FunctionName(). 


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